For Sale
The North East Tasmania Land Trust brings to your attention a unique block of land currently for sale. We believe this 195 hectare block, currently privately owned should become a permanent reserve because of its special ecological values.
The North East Tasmania Land Trust is soliciting for conservation-minded individuals who may be interested in purchasing this block in order to have it protected.
The block is on the north east coast of Tasmania and is one of the last, and largest, intact pieces of coastal forest and heathland in close proximity to the east coast.
Five minutes from the township of St Helens, this land has a range of threatened plant species such as Connospermum hookeri (Smokebush) and Hibbertia virgata (Twiggy Guinea Flower) as well as a diverse range of wildflowers.
It is a habitat for threatened species such as the New Holland Mouse, Green and Gold Frog and White Bellied Sea Eagle. The land is native bush with a diverse forest community that includes Eucalyptus Globulus (Coastal Blue Gum) and a potential habitat for Swift Parrots.
This block offers an important wildlife corridor linking the coast with the hinterland. In addition, a large amount of its boundary adjoins the Dianas Basin wetland which is part of the St Helens Point Conservation Area.
If you are interested, or know someone who might be, or would like further information, please contact Todd Dudley: